India's population problem becomes more and more critical everyday, as seen through the country's environmental degradation, pressured infrastructure, and a stressed transportation system. The huge masses of people that live and grow everyday in India's increasingly metropolitan cities require more living space and transportation, most of which is merely impossible to get. In November, a building company put two extra stories in a Bangalore building in order to sell to more people. Unfortunately, the building collapsed and killed 12. The Indian railway and train systems, both vital to city life, simply cannot handle the amount of people that attempt to use them. The Delhi Metro routinely has to add more train coaches, widen boarding platforms, increase the size of stations, and increase the frequency of train rides. However, it still has trouble accommodating all those who try and use the trains. Overpopulation has taken its toll on the countryside and its environment as well. 80% of India lives in the countryside in remote villages, and they all need timber for fuel. This had lead to mass deforestation of India's forests, which only leads to soil erosion, pollution of the water supply, and desertification. If this is not stopped, it will cause a huge drop in India's agricultural capacity, only crippling the ever-burgeoning population even more. All in all, the overpopulation of India causes massive harm to almost every aspect of the nation.
Dailymail Online India, Gautam Bhatia. Published December 3rd, 2013.
1) Name two effective solutions to mitigate and eventually solve India's overpopulation crisis.
2) Which of the seven tenets of Catholic Social Teaching will this overpopulation eventually violate (if not already)?
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