After the gruesome gang rape on September 16 and other forms of sexual harassment that has been raging on in India for years, the country has decided to take more safe measures regarding the lives of women. Many taxis, buses, and trains have opened up booths in the trains that are reserved only for women. This allows the women to travel in a safe environment free from the fear of sexually driven males sitting right next to them. In addition in Coimbatore, a park is being opened up that only gives entrance to women. As it can be seen, there are many new ways that women's rights are being protected in this way. However, many argue that it is the attitude of the males that should be changed not the women. The men seem to have won with the women needing to be extra careful with how they travel and live. Ultimately however, these new regulations should start to decrease the amount of disrespect that Indian women face.
After the gruesome gang rape on September 16 and other forms of sexual harassment that has been raging on in India for years, the country has decided to take more safe measures regarding the lives of women. Many taxis, buses, and trains have opened up booths in the trains that are reserved only for women. This allows the women to travel in a safe environment free from the fear of sexually driven males sitting right next to them. In addition in Coimbatore, a park is being opened up that only gives entrance to women. As it can be seen, there are many new ways that women's rights are being protected in this way. However, many argue that it is the attitude of the males that should be changed not the women. The men seem to have won with the women needing to be extra careful with how they travel and live. Ultimately however, these new regulations should start to decrease the amount of disrespect that Indian women face.
- What kind of justice is the government trying to uphold with the new women only settings? How does this relate to the Catholic Social Teaching of Rights and Responsibilities?
- Which human rights are clearly being broken as a result of men in India? What are other possible solutions to make sure that the women's rights are upheld?
In India, women have basic human rights which everyone should be entitled to taken away because of the men. One is Article 3 of the UDHR which states, "Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person." As you wrote in your article, rape and other forms of sexual harassment have been "raging" in India for years - women simply can't feel safe or secure living in an environment like this where they are constantly in danger. The other human right being broken is Article 5, which says, "No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment." Many Indian women are being harassed, which is a complete violation of the human rights guaranteed to them. I agree with your point that creating separate facilities for men and women is a step in the right direction in ensuring the safety of women, but it is only the first step. India must reform so that men and women can coexist in harmony; this reform will start from teaching the youth about women's rights.