This article discusses the recent clashes within the government of India as the upcoming elections in June cause friction between parties and candidates. A recent legislative measure actually protecting convicted lawmakers was criticized by Vice President of the Indian Congress, Rahul Gandhi. The legislative measure, passed under the leadership of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, actually seems to be condoning corruption in the government. Rahul Gandhi, who comes from a family of politicians, has in turn been criticized by the Chief Minister of Gujarat, Narendra Modi. Modi sneeringly called Rahul Gandhi a "shahzada," or a prince, referring to Gandhi's family of politicians. Modi asserts that there is a fight between "democracy and dynasty" in the country, dynasty referring to Rahul Gandhi's family. The tension has increased significantly as the Pakistani politician, Nawaz Sharif, rudely called the Manmohan Singh a "village woman" in New York. This derogatory comment alarmed and angered Narendra Modi, who staunchly supports Manmohan Singh. Ultimately, the ordinance protecting convicted lawmakers has given rise to vast confusion and anger within the government itself.
Discussion Questions:
1) How is Gandhi's dream of a new India being violated here? Is the government acting according to Gandhi's principles? What would Gandhi have done in this situation?
2) Is democracy being upheld in this situation? Does the ordinance reflect the wishes of the people in India? Are their rights being violated?
This article discusses the recent clashes within the government of India as the upcoming elections in June cause friction between parties and candidates. A recent legislative measure actually protecting convicted lawmakers was criticized by Vice President of the Indian Congress, Rahul Gandhi. The legislative measure, passed under the leadership of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, actually seems to be condoning corruption in the government. Rahul Gandhi, who comes from a family of politicians, has in turn been criticized by the Chief Minister of Gujarat, Narendra Modi. Modi sneeringly called Rahul Gandhi a "shahzada," or a prince, referring to Gandhi's family of politicians. Modi asserts that there is a fight between "democracy and dynasty" in the country, dynasty referring to Rahul Gandhi's family. The tension has increased significantly as the Pakistani politician, Nawaz Sharif, rudely called the Manmohan Singh a "village woman" in New York. This derogatory comment alarmed and angered Narendra Modi, who staunchly supports Manmohan Singh. Ultimately, the ordinance protecting convicted lawmakers has given rise to vast confusion and anger within the government itself.
Discussion Questions:
1) How is Gandhi's dream of a new India being violated here? Is the government acting according to Gandhi's principles? What would Gandhi have done in this situation?
2) Is democracy being upheld in this situation? Does the ordinance reflect the wishes of the people in India? Are their rights being violated?
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