Bihar, a state in Northern India, has launched a birth registration campaign for young, elementary school-age children. Sponsored by UNICEF, hospital and school officials in the state have made it a point to make unregistered children registered as soon as possible. With the purpose of fulfilling every children's right to self-identification and life, these organizations have been trying to produce and create birth certificates for these children. Until the end of the year, these organizations will hold registration clinics in schools and in public places as to afford everyone the opportunity to register. With India's already burgeoning population, children are constantly marginalized, and this process will go a long way as to make sure everyone can be identified as their own. This is promising, and especially in the wake of our birth rights in India discussion, it is a positive step forward to making sure the rights of every children are ensured. Later in life, this identification could prove extremely important in terms of these children getting jobs or a higher education.
1. How do you think this movement will affect future generations in India in terms of birthrights?
2. Will this have any bearing on the widespread abortion issue in India? Will the guaranteed rights of every individual dissuade mothers and fathers from killing their children, knowing that their births will be recorded?
ReplyDeleteI think that it is great that India is taking this initiative to secure the birthrights of its citizens. Often when the population grows to such a high number, the value of human life diminishes in such poor and third world nations. In the future, securing birthrights will try to bring equality between children of different income and social groups. It will also show that the life of each human born in India is valuable and should be respected. Indeed, this is the right step being taken to secure the thrival rights of individuals by allowing the, to better themselves by getting an education and a stable occupation. This way, the future generation will be better off than today's population. But is ideal is still a long way away. Second, female infanticides could be reduced and potentially charged as a crime if the births of girls are recorded, but with such a large population it is extremely difficult to monitor the births of all citizens. Nonetheless, it would help rectify the social structure that allows for such crimes by striking the conscience of the citizens and making them aware of the rights that all humans are due.