Security In India
As the elections for a new state assembly in Delhi approached, many women based their vote on who would make their city the most secure, as security was the biggest issue and concern for the women of Delhi. The women complained that the biggest issue in Delhi was security and the last congress party had failed to bring security to their city. Since women feel like the last congress party did not do enough to ameliorate security in the cities of India, some women are only voting for the new party simply because they were not satisfied by the work of the old party. Women's security was a key campaign issue in this year's election and the women of India based their vote on their main concern: women safety in India.
1. How do you think the new state assembly could make the cities of India more secure?
2.Do you think it is actually possible for the state assembly to change and make India a more secure place?
I definitely feel that this is a positive move for Indian women everywhere. Women in India are very often denied of their rights and are abused in many cases. It is difficult for an Indian woman to even walk down a street and not be teased by men. The fact that women are using their votes wisely to change this situation is truly inspiring and motivational. Women should and are taking action against this culture of gender inequality, and I certainly hope that in a few years, Indian women will be treated with far more respect and not merely as objects to be acquired. I definitely support the womens' idea that the government should take more responsibility in eradicating this attitude and take more notice of violations of women's rights.