In India, women's rights and protection when it comes to rape and other issues are being denied. The upcoming 2014 election brought some hope that one of the candidates would support and advocate for women's rights, but surprisingly this is not the case. In the past year, two major issues have been brought to the public's attention: gender violence and corruption. The issue of corruption is being tackled and dealt with by the candidates running for office, but the other main concern has remained untouched. After a few major cases where women's rights were being denied, overwhelming numbers of people crowded the streets in protest. Even despite this obvious support from the public to support the rights of women, none of the candidates have advocated for this issue. This article points out one of the reasons that this may have occurred: the machismo that overwhelms politics in India. The people are that are running are expected to act "manly," and when they do not fulfill this expectation, they are mocked and made fun of. This drives those running to want to blend in with the crowd and not stand up and advocate for something that could taint their manly reputation. Unfortunately, this is stopping the candidates from dealing with the great issue at hand.
1) What human rights of these women are being violated and who should be responsible.
2) What actions can be taken to ensure the dignity of these women are being up kept.
3) How can Jesus' teachings of loving outcasts apply here?
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