About a week ago, two middle aged women were assaulted by police offers in India. The officers were muttering rude and sexually harassing comments at the women, and violently threatened to slap them when they accused the officers of harassment. Women face extreme amounts of neglect in India, from frequent rape to basic rights such as political contribution in Indian society. Last December a 23 year old student in Delhi was gang raped and died, which caused a big uproar in India. Although rape is frequent in India, this case was very tragic to everyone. The article states that "over 1,000 rape cases have been reported in the capital this year through mid-August, more than double than what was reported in the same period last year, while molestation has gone up by nearly four times during the same period." With elections coming up in 2014, Indian political leaders seem to be ignoring the major issues women face in India. The article tragically points out that the "political class has always studiously ignored women’s concerns, even when it has to do with an important subject like safety in public spaces." The safety of Indian women is almost always put at risk, yet they are not allowed to contribute to these matters. After the rape of the 23 year old student, people are enraged that women are continuing to be disregarded politically. People have begun an anti corruption upsurge, which is proving to be successful, as political leaders are being accused and charged for they corruptive ways. Even "Lalu Prasad, the former chief minister of Bihar, was convicted of siphoning funds and was sentenced to five years in prison," says the New York Times. The Women's Reservation Bill, which would give women a 33% quota in the Indian Parliament and state assemblies, has not been passed in the last ten years because the lack of value of women in India. The fact that they are striving so much for only a small role shows how maltreated and devalued these women are.
Discussion Questions:
1. How can India aim to decrease the rate of sexual harassment and rape in India?
2. While the world has almost wholly advanced in women's rights, why has India continued to suppress it's women, even in modern society?
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